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About Me

I am originally from Germany and live with my family in the South East of Ireland. Growing up on a farm, I spent my entire youth surrounded by nature. I felt very connected to mother earth and loved nothing more than running around in forests, fields and meadows. I was lucky as my parents were both chefs and owning a big garden, so homegrown vegetables and self produced meat was on our daily menu. Also I was very little or not at all exposed to urban stress like EMF, pollution, which later in my life would have all played a big factor for my well being.


My passion for Feng Shui started around 20 years ago, when I moved out of my childhood home. I loved living in so many places around the world, meeting different people and being exposed to different surroundings. There, I wanted to explore the reasons why some places took me ages to adjust to a new environment, caused health and financial stress issues, while some provided a straight away "Welcome to your new home" feeling and all was in harmony.

Then later, being a mum of three boys, two of them are twins I realized that there is more to a house than just the "look" and architectural design of it. You can live in the best interior design decorated place on earth, but if the "soul" of it is missing you never will feel at home.


I made it to my task to study Classical Feng Shui in order to support my own family, friends, and clients in all aspects of our lives, so we all feel and live better in our homes. Creating awareness of the negative impact of EMF (electromagnetic field) and geopathic stress is also important to me. 


I am one of few accredited Classical Feng Shui and Bazi Consultants in Ireland and a long life student in this major. I studied with many Masters including Master Amanda Collins and Master Petra Coll Exposito, Feng Shui Institute of Excellence, Germany.  Furthermore, I also studied 4 Pillars of Destiny (BAZI) with Grand Master Raymond Lo.


I love working with people to help them create healthier and more supportive environments by using Classical Feng Shui, BAZI as well as my Lifestyle Coaching skills. I hold a Diploma in Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching as well as an Interior Design certificate.


My approach is very bespoke as no project and no client is the same.  I am speaking German, English and Spanish.

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